Little useless-useful R functions – Reverse Hello World

You know the feeling after long vacation and finally sitting in front of your favourite UI and even forgot how to write simplest “hello world” or “foo bar” function? Well, we got you covered! The reverse Hello world function is for all the people returning to the office after rather long vacation.

Create the function:

# reverse Hello World
hello_world <- function(print){
  if (print == "print"){
    print("Hello World")
  } else {
    cat("\rWell ...")

And be confused for a split second, when you want to use this function correctly 🙂

Welcome back!

As always, the complete code is available on GitHub in  Useless_R_function repository. The sample file in this repository is here (filename: reverse_hello_world.R). Check the repository for future updates.

Happy R-coding and stay healthy!

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Posted in R, Uncategorized

Advent of 2023, Day 25 – Learning paths, materials, and documentation on Microsoft Fabric

In this Microsoft Fabric series:

  1. Dec 01: What is Microsoft Fabric?
  2. Dec 02: Getting started with Microsoft Fabric
  3. Dec 03: What is lakehouse in Fabric?
  4. Dec 04: Delta lake and delta tables in Microsoft Fabric
  5. Dec 05: Getting data into lakehouse
  6. Dec 06: SQL Analytics endpoint
  7. Dec 07: SQL commands in SQL Analytics endpoint
  8. Dec 08: Using Lakehouse REST API
  9. Dec 09: Building custom environments
  10. Dec 10: Creating Job Spark definition
  11. Dec 11: Starting data science with Microsoft Fabric
  12. Dec 12: Creating data science experiments with Microsoft Fabric
  13. Dec 13: Creating ML Model with Microsoft Fabric
  14. Dec 14: Data warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
  15. Dec 15: Building warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
  16. Dec 16: Creating data pipelines for Fabric data warehouse
  17. Dec 17: Exploring Power BI in Microsoft Fabric
  18. Dec 18: Exploring Power BI in Microsoft Fabric
  19. Dec 19: Event streaming with Fabric
  20. Dec 20: Working with notebooks in Fabric
  21. Dec 21: Monitoring workspaces with Fabric
  22. Dec 22: Apps in Fabric
  23. Dec 23: Admin Portal in Fabric
  24. Dec 24: OneLake in Fabric

To wrap up the series, let’s check the material available online, for you to continue learning, exploring and enjoying Microsoft Fabric.

The official website:
Microsoft Learn:
Training path:
Fabric Community:

Youtube channel – Guy in the Cube
Youtube channel – Fabric Espresso
Youtube channel – Azure Synapse Analytics
Youtube channel – Kasper on BI
Blog site – BI polar
Youtube channel – Microsoft Power BI

Community, and Microsoft MVP blogs, channels, materials (just to name a few):
Data Mozart blog
Reza Rad and Leila Etaati blog
Kevin Chant blog
Amit Chandak Youtube channel
KratosBI Youtube channel
Pragmatic works Youtube channel
Advancing Analytics Youtube channel
Microsoft Fabric UK user group – Youtube channel

And there are many more user groups, blogposts, companies, consulting professionals that cover a lot of content as well. But I have enjoyed Bryan Cafferky, BI Consulting Pro, Kevin Stratvert and others as well, when covering topics related to Microsoft Fabric.

Complete set of code, documents, notebooks, and all of the materials will be available at the Github repository:

Happy Advent of 2023! 🙂

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Posted in Fabric, Power BI

Advent of 2023, Day 24 – OneLake in Fabric

In this Microsoft Fabric series:

  1. Dec 01: What is Microsoft Fabric?
  2. Dec 02: Getting started with Microsoft Fabric
  3. Dec 03: What is lakehouse in Fabric?
  4. Dec 04: Delta lake and delta tables in Microsoft Fabric
  5. Dec 05: Getting data into lakehouse
  6. Dec 06: SQL Analytics endpoint
  7. Dec 07: SQL commands in SQL Analytics endpoint
  8. Dec 08: Using Lakehouse REST API
  9. Dec 09: Building custom environments
  10. Dec 10: Creating Job Spark definition
  11. Dec 11: Starting data science with Microsoft Fabric
  12. Dec 12: Creating data science experiments with Microsoft Fabric
  13. Dec 13: Creating ML Model with Microsoft Fabric
  14. Dec 14: Data warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
  15. Dec 15: Building warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
  16. Dec 16: Creating data pipelines for Fabric data warehouse
  17. Dec 17: Exploring Power BI in Microsoft Fabric
  18. Dec 18: Exploring Power BI in Microsoft Fabric
  19. Dec 19: Event streaming with Fabric
  20. Dec 20: Working with notebooks in Fabric
  21. Dec 21: Monitoring workspaces with Fabric
  22. Dec 22: Apps in Fabric
  23. Dec 23: Admin Portal in Fabric

OneLake comes automatically with every Microsoft Fabric tenant and represents a single, logical data lake. Its main features are its unification and one copy of data across the organization and multiple analytical engines.

OneLake is built on ADLS Gen2 (Azure Data Lake Storage) and supports any type of files, structured or unstructured.Data warehouses and lakehouses automatically store data in OneLake in parquet format (Delta Lake, and delta parquet file format). This way OneLake makes a better shift from the Synapse experience (Dedicated and Serverless pools).

The open data format is what OneLake brings to the table. No vendor lock in and useses Delta format, in an open data lake – OneLake on highly compressed parquet files.

Support for the ADLS Gen2 APIs and SKDs makes OneLake integration even better, where you can connect to Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure storage Explorer, Azure Databricks (DFS API) and Azure HDInsight. But still the data will remain within the same OneLake, same goes for Workspaces – they will be appear as containers within storage account, and different data items appear as folders within those containers.

One copy of data

OneLake aims to give you the most value possible out of a single copy of data without data movement or duplication. You no longer need to copy data just to use it with another engine or to break down silos so you can analyze the data with data from other sources.


Shortcuts in Microsoft OneLake are objects that allow you to unify your data across domains, clouds, and accounts by creating a single virtual data lake for your entire enterprise. They are pointers (with target path, security and RLS) to other storage location (Azure, AWS, OneLake) and give you Fabric experiences over all analytical engines. Each shortcut will appear as a folder in OneLake, and are symbolic representation of source data; meaning if you delete a shortcut, the origin data will remain intact. Shortcuts eliminate edge copies of data and reduce process latency associated with data copies and staging.

Some of the best-practices in OneLake

Couple of practices that might improve your OneLake experience.

  1. Bring as much of apps, access, reports and clients closer to your Fabric; in best scenarios, collocate them
  2. Use as much shortcuts as you want, but data that is used frequently could have a copy in sparsed format
  3. Use CTAS instead of DELETE statements
  4. When creating and using Domains, try to do it per business entities.
  5. OneLake accepts all formats, but consider choosing your optimal data type for improved performance
  6. Splitting files when using COPY INTO into smaller chunks.

Tomorrow we will look into Fabric documentation.

Complete set of code, documents, notebooks, and all of the materials will be available at the Github repository:

Happy Advent of 2023! 🙂

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Posted in Fabric, Power BI

Advent of 2023, Day 23 – Admin Portal in Fabric

In this Microsoft Fabric series:

  1. Dec 01: What is Microsoft Fabric?
  2. Dec 02: Getting started with Microsoft Fabric
  3. Dec 03: What is lakehouse in Fabric?
  4. Dec 04: Delta lake and delta tables in Microsoft Fabric
  5. Dec 05: Getting data into lakehouse
  6. Dec 06: SQL Analytics endpoint
  7. Dec 07: SQL commands in SQL Analytics endpoint
  8. Dec 08: Using Lakehouse REST API
  9. Dec 09: Building custom environments
  10. Dec 10: Creating Job Spark definition
  11. Dec 11: Starting data science with Microsoft Fabric
  12. Dec 12: Creating data science experiments with Microsoft Fabric
  13. Dec 13: Creating ML Model with Microsoft Fabric
  14. Dec 14: Data warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
  15. Dec 15: Building warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
  16. Dec 16: Creating data pipelines for Fabric data warehouse
  17. Dec 17: Exploring Power BI in Microsoft Fabric
  18. Dec 18: Exploring Power BI in Microsoft Fabric
  19. Dec 19: Event streaming with Fabric
  20. Dec 20: Working with notebooks in Fabric
  21. Dec 21: Monitoring workspaces with Fabric
  22. Dec 22: Apps in Fabric

Admin portal serves purpose for governing and setting the Microsoft Fabric, where you can make  tenant settings, also access the Microsoft 365 admin portal, and control how users interact with Microsoft Fabric.

To access the admin portal, not only you need a Fabric license but also admin rights with the following roles (in one of these roles; if you are not, you can only see Capacity setting in the admin portal):

  • Global administrator
  • Power Platform administrator
  • Fabric administrator

Let’s check the settings offerings.


In preferences you will mainly be able to select a language in your Fabric tenant, check the Power BI subscriptions and Power BI Alerts, and turn on (or off) the Power BI Developer mode. As well as turn on?off the use ArcGIS Maps for Power BI. You can also close the account, but must have admin priviledges.

Resources and extensions

Here you can manage your storage, manage Power BI settings, semantic models (query caching, refreshing, access, etc.), and workbooks, as well as dataflows.

Under managing data connections and gateways, you can add, edit or delete data connections, manage gateways (both on-premise and virtual network data gateways).

In Azure Analysis Services migration, you can do the migration from Azure Analysis services to Power BI Premium. It is a wizard that will help you get the migration done easier and faster.

Governance and insights

Under the Governance and insights, you will find the Admin portal and Microsoft Purview hub. We have briefly cover the Purview hub, and now let’s dig into Admin portal.

Admin Portal

Admin portal is where majority of important settings is done (one can say, “where magic happens”) 🙂

Tenant settings holds a lot of important setting and information. It has subsections and here they are:

  • Microsoft Fabric: where you enable the items in Fabric; Data Activator can be enabled here with it’s purpose to set a specific set of rules and when they are met, users will be notified.
  • Help and support settings: enable help within organization in Power BI, enable notifications for services outages, custom messages, trying new features and others,
  • Workspace settings: enable semantic models across different workspaces, retention period on workspaces, settings for personal workspaces and how can create workspaces
  • Information protection: settings on applying sensitivity labels and restricting content for exposing files to other services and tracking through Purview.
  • Export and sharing settings: allowing Microsoft Entra B2B users to be guests in Fabric, enabling same browsing experience for guests, setting permissions for exporting to excel, HTML, word, and other formats, allowing access to featured tables, installing Power BI in Teams, allowing add-ins for Power BI and similar content
  • App settings: enable users to create template apps that use semantic models built on one data source in Power BI Desktop, Enable to push apps to end users or to entire organization
  • Integration settings: enable XMLA endpoints, ArcGIS maps in Power BI, global search for Power BI, Semantic model execution of queries using REST API, SSO for Dremio, Snowflake, Oracle, Redshift, Google BigQuery, Exporting data from semantic model to Onelake (yaaay!), storing semantic model tables in OneLake, viewing Power BI files saved in OneDrive an Sharepoint
  • Power BI visuals: enabling visuals created in Power BI SDK for organization, allowing to download the custom visuals, use only certified visuals
  • R and Python visuals settings: enabling use of R and Python in Power BI visuals
  • Audit and usage settings: Enable metrics for content creators, enable per-user data usage for content creators, enable connection from Azure Log Analytics for workspace administrators
  • Dashboard settings: enable web content on dashboard tiles
  • Developer settings: enable embedding content in apps, Allow service principals to user Power BI APIs, allow creating user profiles, block Resourcekey Authentication
  • Admin API settings: enabling for organisation use of APIs, response APIs with detailed metadata and with DAX and mashup expressions
  • Gen1 dataflow settings: enable creation and use of Gen1 dataflows
  • Template app settings: enable publishing template apps, installing template apps and installing template apps not listed in AppSource
  • Q&A settings: enable semantic model owners to review questions people asked about their data, and allow to share Q&A synonyms with organization.
  • Semantic Model Security: enable blocking republishing and refreshing packages and only allow the semantic model owner to publish updates
  • Advanced networking: enable Azure private link and block public internet access
  • Metrics settings: Enable creating and using Metrics for users in organization
  • User experience experiments: enable that users will get minor user experience variations that the Power BI Team is experimenting with, such us content, layout, and design
  • Insights settings: enable receiving notifications on top insights and entry points for insights
  • Datamart settings: enabling who can create datamarts in organization
  • Data model settings: enable users to edit data models in Power BI service
  • Quick measure suggestions: enable quick measure suggestions, and enable user data to leave their geography (data processed in US and processing outside US).
  • Scale-out settings: enable scalling-out queries for large semantic models
  • OneLake settings: enable access for users to access data stored in OneLake with apps external to Fabric, and to sync data in OneLake with OneLake File Explorer app
  • Git integration: enable synchronizing workspace items with user’s Git Repositories, exporting items to Git repositories in other geographical locations and export workspace items with applied sensitivity labels

User Metrics is overview of items in workspace, user statistics and consumption by users.

Domains is a great way to tackle the grouping of all the data in an organization that is relevant to a particular area of field. When a workspace is associated with a domain, all the items in the workspace are also associated with the domain, and they receive a domain attribute as part of their metadata. This will give organization better overview for clarity, enable better federated governance (controlled on a domain-level and not only on tenant level), and spreading out the control to business departments.

Capacity settings is where you can define the Capacity SKU, capacity UNITS and regions to a particular roles, groups or units.

Azure connections is where you define where you can store your dataflows in your organizations’s ADLS Gen2 (Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2) account. You can set the Tenant-level storage or Workspace-level storage.

Data used in Power BI is stored in internal tenant-level storage, provided by Power BI. You can store your dataflows in ADLS Gen2 tenant-storage and access your dataflows using Azure portal, Azure Storage Explorer, and Azure APIs.

Custom branding – is where you can customize the look of Power BI for your organization.

Organizational visuals – is where you can manage Power BI visuals within your organization.

Embed codes – is where administrator can view, disable or delete the embed codes that are used for sharing reports publicly.

Protection metrics – is the report(s) for viewing Power BI sensitivity labels.

Users, Premium Per User, Audit Logs – all require Microsoft 365 Admin center access to check users, their access, Premium per User licences and Azure Logs.

Tomorrow we will look into OneLake concepts and definitions.

Complete set of code, documents, notebooks, and all of the materials will be available at the Github repository:

Happy Advent of 2023! 🙂

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Posted in Fabric, Power BI

Advent of 2023, Day 22 – Apps in Fabric

In this Microsoft Fabric series:

  1. Dec 01: What is Microsoft Fabric?
  2. Dec 02: Getting started with Microsoft Fabric
  3. Dec 03: What is lakehouse in Fabric?
  4. Dec 04: Delta lake and delta tables in Microsoft Fabric
  5. Dec 05: Getting data into lakehouse
  6. Dec 06: SQL Analytics endpoint
  7. Dec 07: SQL commands in SQL Analytics endpoint
  8. Dec 08: Using Lakehouse REST API
  9. Dec 09: Building custom environments
  10. Dec 10: Creating Job Spark definition
  11. Dec 11: Starting data science with Microsoft Fabric
  12. Dec 12: Creating data science experiments with Microsoft Fabric
  13. Dec 13: Creating ML Model with Microsoft Fabric
  14. Dec 14: Data warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
  15. Dec 15: Building warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
  16. Dec 16: Creating data pipelines for Fabric data warehouse
  17. Dec 17: Exploring Power BI in Microsoft Fabric
  18. Dec 18: Exploring Power BI in Microsoft Fabric
  19. Dec 19: Event streaming with Fabric
  20. Dec 20: Working with notebooks in Fabric
  21. Dec 21: Monitoring workspaces with Fabric

Apps are collections of dashboards and reports in one easy-to-find place. Go to Apps and click on “Get Apps”.

Click the Microsoft Fabric Capacity Metrics tile, click on “get it” and later click on “install it”.

The App will be added as an app to your tenant and it will feel and see like an Power BI report.

Upon the first run of the Capacity Metrics App, you will need to insert the Capacity ID (You can get the Capacity ID in the Admin portal), connect and do the authentication.

There are a lot of different Apps available. This is an example of add for Copilot:

Apps are represent a rich repository of different collection of reports and dashboards that will suit your needs.

Tomorrow we will look into Admin Portal and make a segue to OneLake.

Complete set of code, documents, notebooks, and all of the materials will be available at the Github repository:

Happy Advent of 2023! 🙂

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Posted in Fabric, Power BI, Uncategorized

Advent of 2023, Day 21 – Monitoring workspaces with Fabric

In this Microsoft Fabric series:

  1. Dec 01: What is Microsoft Fabric?
  2. Dec 02: Getting started with Microsoft Fabric
  3. Dec 03: What is lakehouse in Fabric?
  4. Dec 04: Delta lake and delta tables in Microsoft Fabric
  5. Dec 05: Getting data into lakehouse
  6. Dec 06: SQL Analytics endpoint
  7. Dec 07: SQL commands in SQL Analytics endpoint
  8. Dec 08: Using Lakehouse REST API
  9. Dec 09: Building custom environments
  10. Dec 10: Creating Job Spark definition
  11. Dec 11: Starting data science with Microsoft Fabric
  12. Dec 12: Creating data science experiments with Microsoft Fabric
  13. Dec 13: Creating ML Model with Microsoft Fabric
  14. Dec 14: Data warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
  15. Dec 15: Building warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
  16. Dec 16: Creating data pipelines for Fabric data warehouse
  17. Dec 17: Exploring Power BI in Microsoft Fabric
  18. Dec 18: Exploring Power BI in Microsoft Fabric
  19. Dec 19: Event streaming with Fabric
  20. Dec 20: Working with notebooks in Fabric

Monitoring workspaces, executions and checking logs is so quintessential, that one should get familiarized with this in the first place.

Monitoring Hub

The easy way to check, view and track your activities and execution and runs of notebooks, data pipelines, data factory executions, datasets refresh, and many others.

With filters and using search, you can find the desired logs and check the the details.

For example, check the notebook executions(which are run on Spark architecture) and double-click on the ellipses, you will get detailed information on the Spark engine, job runs, resources used, data touched (used, created,…) and snapshot items.

Should you want to examine each job run, you can double-click it and the Spark UI will open. You will be redirected to a standard URL: where further data will be displayed. Fabric Spark UI will behave as your normal Spark UI and will get the exact same experience as with any other Spark installation. And I am personally happy that Fabric gives you all these capabilities to dig deeper into Spark. And for a particular run you can go deep into the details as Spark has to offer. For example, previewing the Spark Applications and Job Graph.

Several of these diagnostics are also available within the notebook. After each execution of the cell (in the notebook), there is Log, Diagnostics and Job Runs information available and the same information can be shown as these in Spark UI.

Admin monitoring workspace

Admin workspace is available when you are granted the privileges.

Within this workspace, you will have the feature Usage and adoption, as well as the Purview Hub (Yaay! 🙂 )

You will have an overview of feature usage within your tenant. Besides activities, you can also check the analyse the usage activity logs in details.

Dataset and the report can always be edited, upgraded or tailored to your need.

The Purview hub report gives you the ability to check:

  • Overview report: Overview of distribution and use of endorsement and sensitivity labeling.
  • Endorsement report: Drill down and analyze distribution and use of endorsement.
  • Sensitivity report: Drill down and analyze distribution and use of sensitivity labeling.
  • Inventory report: Get details about labeled and endorsed items. Can apply date ranges, filter by workspace, item type, etc.
  • Items page: Insights about the distribution of items throughout your organization, and endorsement coverage.
  • Sensitivity page: Insights about sensitivity labeling throughout your entire organization.

Accessing purview and getting hands-on Purview is worth couple of blogposts and covers variety of super important topics, that should be relevant for every enterprise!

User Activity

Tracking user activity is not that straightforward in Fabric. One can use the Power BI Powershell modules to track the activities in workspaces, users, and all Power BI Items. This can be done using cdmlet:


or Audit log in the Admin portal. I have written extensively using Powershell for Power BI (Blogposts; Github Repository). But this can also be used against all other Fabric items but only for CRUD operations.

And if you want to check all the user sign-in activities, Entra ID (or formally known as Azure AD) is also a good starting point.

Tomorrow we will look into Fabric Apps.

Complete set of code, documents, notebooks, and all of the materials will be available at the Github repository:

Happy Advent of 2023! 🙂

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Posted in Fabric, Power BI

Advent of 2023, Day20 – Working with notebooks in Fabric

In this Microsoft Fabric series:

  1. Dec 01: What is Microsoft Fabric?
  2. Dec 02: Getting started with Microsoft Fabric
  3. Dec 03: What is lakehouse in Fabric?
  4. Dec 04: Delta lake and delta tables in Microsoft Fabric
  5. Dec 05: Getting data into lakehouse
  6. Dec 06: SQL Analytics endpoint
  7. Dec 07: SQL commands in SQL Analytics endpoint
  8. Dec 08: Using Lakehouse REST API
  9. Dec 09: Building custom environments
  10. Dec 10: Creating Job Spark definition
  11. Dec 11: Starting data science with Microsoft Fabric
  12. Dec 12: Creating data science experiments with Microsoft Fabric
  13. Dec 13: Creating ML Model with Microsoft Fabric
  14. Dec 14: Data warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
  15. Dec 15: Building warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
  16. Dec 16: Creating data pipelines for Fabric data warehouse
  17. Dec 17: Exploring Power BI in Microsoft Fabric
  18. Dec 18: Exploring Power BI in Microsoft Fabric
  19. Dec 19: Event streaming with Fabric

Notebooks have been around for a long time and people, community, and professionals have proven the usability, practicality, versioning and reliability of notebooks. Not to mention the clarity and hygiene. But opinions are also divided.

The purpose of this post today is to check for a couple of functionalities that might not be that straightforward when it comes to notebooks.

Passing variables among notebooks

The usual way is to store the values in the session and later call the value using the %store. Within the notebook, this works like a charm and the “data” variable displays the value in the next cell.

When called the %store from another notebook, the store is shown, but empty:

The traditional way can not be achieved this simple. However the intermediate results can be stored in a persistent file and later read.

Storing and reading from file

You can store the results in a file within Fabric. I will have the Spark session created and stored as a random data frame. The data frame must be a spark data frame (not e.g.: Pandas), so if the transformation is needed, you must do it.

import pandas as pd
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# Create SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local[1]") \
                    .appName('Day20_sample') \

df = pd.DataFrame({'num_legs': [2, 4, 8, 0],
                   'num_wings': [2, 0, 0, 0],
                   'num_specimen_seen': [10, 2, 1, 8]},
                  index=['falcon', 'dog', 'spider', 'fish'])
dfs = spark.createDataFrame(df)

And the file is also shown in the folder list:

And this file can be later read in a simple manner. Note that a header and delimited are not included in this sample, but when dealing with real data, you should include these parameters as well.

df_from_CSV ="abfss://")

Creating widgets

Widgets are great but with the lack of installations within Fabric, I – at the time of writing this blog post – could not have the package (ipywidgets) and the underlying engines (node.js) properly installed on Lakehouse in Fabric. I have used the simple Widget package. If I have missed out the way, or overlooked something, please be so kind as to post the solution in the comments section. 🙂

I must note as well, that I have tried using the different spark sessions, environments and engines but could not get it up and running.

Dynamic graphs with sliders

Using matplotlib and widgets, you can set the graphs with sliders, that will be changes / regenerated, based on selection. And here is a simple example:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ipywidgets import interact
import numpy as np

def interactive_plot(amplitude, frequency):
    x = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 1000)
    y = amplitude * np.sin(frequency * x)
    plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
    plt.plot(x, y)
    plt.title('Interactive Sine Wave')

Once you have the graph initiated, you can run the interact function:

interact(interactive_plot, amplitude=(1, 5, 0.1), frequency=(1, 10, 0.1))

The two sliders: amplitude and frequency under the graph will re-render the graph, based on the slider selection.


I have been a fan of notebooks and worked with Jupyter Notebooks, R Quarto notebook, Databricks notebooks, and Julia-based Notebooks, and many different software (Markdown, Nteract, Visual Code,…) And cherry-picking the best features (most likely from quarto and Databricks), I have seen there is still much more room for improvement for Fabric notebooks. Just to name a few:

  1. passing variables between the notebooks
  2. setting up the master / main values from dropdown that get’s propagated to one cell (e.g.: graph or table) or complete notebook.
  3. better code interaction, code notation and results handling
  4. Results handling and switching between the result set displayed in dataframe and ability to transform dataframe to graph.
  5. Inline text writing
  6. Export the results or creating PDF, PPTX out of notebook
  7. Building a book / hub of all files and being able to add metadata to the notebook and “book-like” table of content would be very useful

Tomorrow we will look into monitoring of workspace.

Complete set of code, documents, notebooks, and all of the materials will be available at the Github repository:

Happy Advent of 2023! 🙂

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Posted in Fabric, Spark

Advent of 2023, Day 19 – Event streaming with Fabric

In this Microsoft Fabric series:

  1. Dec 01: What is Microsoft Fabric?
  2. Dec 02: Getting started with Microsoft Fabric
  3. Dec 03: What is lakehouse in Fabric?
  4. Dec 04: Delta lake and delta tables in Microsoft Fabric
  5. Dec 05: Getting data into lakehouse
  6. Dec 06: SQL Analytics endpoint
  7. Dec 07: SQL commands in SQL Analytics endpoint
  8. Dec 08: Using Lakehouse REST API
  9. Dec 09: Building custom environments
  10. Dec 10: Creating Job Spark definition
  11. Dec 11: Starting data science with Microsoft Fabric
  12. Dec 12: Creating data science experiments with Microsoft Fabric
  13. Dec 13: Creating ML Model with Microsoft Fabric
  14. Dec 14: Data warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
  15. Dec 15: Building warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
  16. Dec 16: Creating data pipelines for Fabric data warehouse
  17. Dec 17: Exploring Power BI in Microsoft Fabric
  18. Dec 18: Exploring Power BI in Microsoft Fabric

In Fabric, you can create streaming semantic model and when selecting you will get the usual sources:

Differences are explained here:

Once we create a PubNub API and use the following key and channel name

  • Sub-key: sub-c-99084bc5-1844-4e1c-82ca-a01b18166ca8
  • Channel name: pubnub-sensor-network

we will get a semantic model that can be used in Dashboard or in Power BI. The model with its logo.

Once you have the PubNub API being consumed into the model, we can create a dashboard and add graph. Watch it in real-time to see the data being populated.

Tomorrow we will look into notebooks!

Complete set of code, documents, notebooks, and all of the materials will be available at the Github repository:

Happy Advent of 2023! 🙂

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Posted in Fabric, Power BI, Uncategorized

Advent of 2023, Day 18 – Exploring Power BI in Microsoft Fabric

In this Microsoft Fabric series:

  1. Dec 01: What is Microsoft Fabric?
  2. Dec 02: Getting started with Microsoft Fabric
  3. Dec 03: What is lakehouse in Fabric?
  4. Dec 04: Delta lake and delta tables in Microsoft Fabric
  5. Dec 05: Getting data into lakehouse
  6. Dec 06: SQL Analytics endpoint
  7. Dec 07: SQL commands in SQL Analytics endpoint
  8. Dec 08: Using Lakehouse REST API
  9. Dec 09: Building custom environments
  10. Dec 10: Creating Job Spark definition
  11. Dec 11: Starting data science with Microsoft Fabric
  12. Dec 12: Creating data science experiments with Microsoft Fabric
  13. Dec 13: Creating ML Model with Microsoft Fabric
  14. Dec 14: Data warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
  15. Dec 15: Building warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
  16. Dec 16: Creating data pipelines for Fabric data warehouse
  17. Dec 17: Exploring Power BI in Microsoft Fabric

We have created a Power BI report directly from the datalake and today we will check how to do same with dashboard and paginated reports.

Select new “Paginated report”. Select a data we want to connect to - in this case my “Advent2023_DWH” and click “Create paginated report”.

The familiar outlook, and start building the report. I have created a simple table view of data, to keep the report simple. You will see that the report creation is super simplified to the functionalities and capabilities you have, when using the Report builder. Once you create a report and give it a name. I am calling mine “Advent2023_PaginatedReport”.

Later, if you would like to update the report (as you can see, it does not contain more than just a table of transactional data), you will be greeted with the message:

So, you will need to download the report first, install the Power BI report builder and do all the fine stuff in the report; like: parameters, filtering, adding other visuals, etc.

One can also create scorecard in Fabric. Scoreboard is a single pane view with one or more multiple metrics (KPI). Go to new and select “New scorecard”. You can create a single or multiple metrics for tracking key business objectives.

You will be able to assigning a metric / Scorecard to your semantic model. And instead of entering the values manually, I will connect the metric to data. So select “Connect to data” and find the value you want to extract and have it placed on a single pane among others:

Adding the final value you want the metric to be achieved and click save. I have added additional metric. And all are connected to the main

And lastly, the dashboard. The dashboard is a single page, often called a canvas and it gives one page information with well-selected tiles that can highlights the business story. Readers can view related reports for the details.

By adding tiles to dashboard, the simplest way is to open an already created Power BI and click the Pin icon to pin a visual and you can select the desired dashboard.

By doing so, you will be able to get the desired visuals from different reports on a one-page view.

Tomorrow we will looking into the event streaming.

Complete set of code, documents, notebooks, and all of the materials will be available at the Github repository:

Happy Advent of 2023! 🙂

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Posted in Fabric, Power BI

Advent of 2023, Day 17 – Exploring Power BI in Microsoft Fabric

In this Microsoft Fabric series:

  1. Dec 01: What is Microsoft Fabric?
  2. Dec 02: Getting started with Microsoft Fabric
  3. Dec 03: What is lakehouse in Fabric?
  4. Dec 04: Delta lake and delta tables in Microsoft Fabric
  5. Dec 05: Getting data into lakehouse
  6. Dec 06: SQL Analytics endpoint
  7. Dec 07: SQL commands in SQL Analytics endpoint
  8. Dec 08: Using Lakehouse REST API
  9. Dec 09: Building custom environments
  10. Dec 10: Creating Job Spark definition
  11. Dec 11: Starting data science with Microsoft Fabric
  12. Dec 12: Creating data science experiments with Microsoft Fabric
  13. Dec 13: Creating ML Model with Microsoft Fabric
  14. Dec 14: Data warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
  15. Dec 15: Building warehouse with Microsoft Fabric
  16. Dec 16: Creating data pipelines for Fabric data warehouse

Within the Power BI in Fabric, you will find many of the components, that can be used to create a final report. And here are the components:

Let’s create a report online within the workspace. You will get your two options to start (and “Paste or manually enter data” is kinda contradictory in the world of data lakes 🙂 ) But select “Pick a published semantic model” coz my money doesn’t jiggle, it folds 🙂

And you will be presented with the complete OneLake data layer, picking the data from anywhere, you desire (DataLake, Datewarehouse, datasets, …). I am selecting the Advent2023_DWH dataset.

And you can have a report created automatically or manually. Let’s go with manually creating it. You will be presented with regular Power BI outlook and the data are the exact same tables from the warehouse, we have created in previous days. Also the table “SampleIngressDWH” from yesterday’s data copy using notebooks, is here.

Make sure to have all the relations between the tables created! Once you are finished with creation, save it and you are good to go.

Tomorrow we will looking into the Paginated reports, scorecards and dashboards.

Complete set of code, documents, notebooks, and all of the materials will be available at the Github repository:

Happy Advent of 2023! 🙂

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Posted in Fabric, Power BI, Uncategorized
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