Time functions in DAX

Time functions in DAX are besides simple calculation functions, the most useful functions; mainly because time slicers are one of the most frequently used slicers in Power BI.

2019-12-08 21_02_26-Window

New functions are coming to DAX (Data Analysis Expression Language) regularly, and just recently, the function QUARTER was added.  And this gave me thinking; why not do a standardized DAX, to be added as a “time dimension” to every Power BI, that I create.

Upon opening new Power BI Desktop document, go to Enter Data and add two rows, representing the start and end time:


I have inputed two rows:

  • 1978/08/29
  • 2019/12/07

After this, go to Modeling tab and select New Table:


Simply copy/paste the following code:

DimTime =
     VAR V_Calendar = CALENDARAUTO()
        VAR V_Calendar_date = [Date]
        VAR LetoDatum = YEAR(V_Calendar_date)
        VAR Kvartal = CEILING(MONTH(V_Calendar_date)/3;1)
        VAR MesecCifra = MONTH(V_Calendar_date)
        VAR DanN = DAY(V_Calendar_date)
        VAR KonecMeseca = EOMONTH(V_Calendar_date; 0)
        VAR TedenCifra = WEEKNUM(V_Calendar_date; 2)
        VAR DanVTednu = WEEKDAY(V_Calendar_date;2)
        Return ROW(
            "Day"; V_Calendar_date;
            "OnlyDay"; DanN;
            "Year"; LetoDatum;
            "Month (number)"; MesecCifra;
            "Quarter"; Kvartal;
            "Month"; FORMAT(V_Calendar_date; "mmmm");
            "DayOfWeek"; DanVTednu;
            "NameOfWeek"; FORMAT(DanVTednu+1; "dddd");
            "Year Month"; FORMAT (V_Calendar_date; "mmm yy");
            "End Of Month"; FORMAT (KonecMeseca; "dd mmm yy");
            "Week Number"; TedenCifra

And it should look like this:


Yielding the corresponding fields in the data structure:


Notice that the DimTime will be automatically populated within the minimum and maximum years; so the range goes from 1978/01/01 until 2019/12/31. You can also add the relation if you want to filter based on the context, but it will have no effect on populating the DimTime table.


Now I can visualize and count, for example, how many Friday, 13th (since one is just around the corner) are between 1978/01/01 and 2019/31/12. And I can do this simply by adding couple of slicers:


And by selecting Friday and 13, I get the result: 74.


And If I want to check this; let’s see, how many are in Year 2019:


Only two! 🙂

Power BI (with DAX) is available at GitHub here.

Happy data slicing 🙂



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One comment on “Time functions in DAX
  1. […] Tomaz Kastrun reviews the different DAX functions related to time in Power BI: […]


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